Stirling Central Medical Group is a clinic which specialises in travel vaccinations and medication.
Our doctors have access to the latest, most accurate and up-to-date information and they will provide you with tailored travel advice for your trip.
We are one of the few practices in WA registered to administer the Yellow Fever Vaccination and unlike other locations, we hold a wide variety of vaccinations and travel medications on site.
When To See Us?
Before You Travel …
Ideally six to eight weeks prior to departure, as some vaccinations require a course over weeks to months before they induce immunity.
Travellers overseas have up to a 50% chance of suffering travel-related illness.
Reduce your risk of illness with a medical check-up and personalised advice to best protect your health overseas.
Vaccinations may be considered necessary for protection against diseases you may encounter, or as legal requirements for entry into some countries.
At your appointment, our doctor will need to know date of travel, the trip itinerary, countries to be visited and length of stay in each country, type of accommodation (major hotel or tent), places to be visited and type of travel (eg. bus tour or backpack).
When booking in for a travel consult, please advise the receptionist so that we can put you in with one of the doctors who specialise in travel medicine and vaccinations. If you have not attended our practice in the past, please bring any vaccination history and your vaccination card with you to the consult. This will reduce the risk of any unnecessary vaccinations being given.
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